Why Join?
Ham radio clubs offer excellent opportunities to meet new people, make new friends, learn new things, and share the stuff you're passionate about. Every ham radio club is a little different. Each has its own interests and its own ways of doing things. Some clubs specialize in certain areas of the hobby or offer services to the community such as repeaters that you may want to support. Most clubs (including RATS) welcome non-members at meetings and many activities. Feel free to attend a meeting or two at some clubs in your area to get a feel for things before joining.
According to our founding documents from the 1970's, RATS is focused on "the higher frequency bands allotted to Amateur Radio" -- which generally means VHF/UHF. That's not to say we and our members don't do HF -- in fact, HF is practically all we do at our three main club activities each year (Summer Field Day, Winter Field Day, and the Virginia QSO Party). But you'll find many of our presentations and projects are above 30 MHz, and our most prominent service offerings (and by far the club's biggest expenses) are our high-profile VHF and UHF analog/C4FM repeaters, UHF DMR repeater, 5 GHz AREDN broadband mesh system, and VHF APRS digipeaters.
Quality repeaters are expensive to purchase, operate, and maintain. (Ours cost around $2700 per year in rent, insurance, and utilities alone. If we have to send someone up the tower to fix something, that's $several thousands just in labor!) If you use any of the RATS systems, please consider a membership and/or donation to help keep these systems on the air.
RATS considers itself a general interest ham radio club, meaning we welcome members of all interests and experience levels. Our membership meetings and activities encompass a broad range of topics, by no means limited to VHF/UHF stuff.
Many clubs have an educational component. RATS has its Elmer program which serves as a basic helpdesk for new hams and as a matchmaking service to pair amateurs with long-term mentors. We actively reach out to newly-licensed hams in our area, to introduce ourselves and let them know we're here to help. Your membership dues support the printing and postage costs associated with these efforts.
Our Public Service Committee organizes volunteer communicators in support of local events such as bike rides and marathons. Our members participate in a wide range of public service activities. The Virginia Special Olympics, Richmond Marathon, Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society/Bike MS all benefit from ham radio communicators. The club makes its repeaters and other resources available to these organizations, and your membership dues support the costs associated with providing these services.
Joining RATS gives you a voice in our club -- a say in the things that we do, the services we offer, the events we support, and the stuff we spend our money on. It also opens the door to service on one of our committees or on the Board of Directors -- work that is critically important to the success of the club (and with a little bit of wordsmithing, it can look good on a résumé, too.) RATS is more than just an ordinary ham radio club. We're a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a duty to serve our community. That's a big responsibility and a lot of work. An active membership keeps us focused on our mission.
Your membership puts you on our club email list, which delivers information on club news and ham radio activities in our area about twice a month.
Membership for All
RATS welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to join our club. While we are primarily focused on service to the Richmond area and central Virginia, there are no geographic limitations on RATS membership. Our meetings and monthly presentations are virtual, supplemented by occasional in-person activities somewhere in the Richmond metro area. The type of membership you can apply for depends on whether you have a valid amateur radio license and where you live.
Non-licensed individuals: You qualify for a RATS Associate Membership. This is a non-voting membership which upgrades to a full, voting membership upon licensing.
Licensed hams living in Virginia: You qualify for a RATS Full Membership. There are two flavors: Individual and Family. A Family Membership covers all licensed amateurs residing in your household at a reduced rate compared to multiple Individual memberships. (This includes adult offspring who are away at college but are still a financial burden for mom and dad.)
Licensed hams living outside Virginia: You have your pick of an Associate or Full Membership.
Whichever membership type you select, we appreciate your support!
Image: A map depicting the locations of RATS members as of November 17, 2024, excluding one member in Ohio.