Club logo.  A red circle containing a green map of the state of Virginia, the ARRL logo, and the text "Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Richmond, Virginia U.S.A."

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society
W4RAT · Richmond, Virginia

An ARRL Affiliated Club Serving Central Virginia Since 1972
442.550 MHz FM  ·  443.5875 MHz DMR  ·  146.880 MHz C4FM

March Membership Meeting

  • 15 Mar 2019
  • 7:30 PM
  • Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad

 Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society

March Membership Meeting

We are having our monthly membership meeting this Friday at 7:30 pm. Our meeting will be held at Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad in their squad room. 

Our presentation will be on Basic Antenna Theory brought to us by Mr. Robert Orndoff. The presentation will begin shorty after the conclusion of the business portion of our meeting. All are welcome to attend. He will also be teaching a class on Antenna Modeling on March 28, 2019. Information for that class can be found on

Look forward to seeing everyone on Friday night at the meeting!

73 from KD4LEM, RATS Board Member & 2019 Field Day Coordinator

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Inc. (RATS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  PO Box 70613, Henrico VA, 23255

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