Club logo.  A red circle containing a green map of the state of Virginia, the ARRL logo, and the text "Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Richmond, Virginia U.S.A."

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society
W4RAT · Richmond, Virginia

An ARRL Affiliated Club Serving Central Virginia Since 1972
442.550 MHz FM  ·  443.5875 MHz DMR  ·  146.880 MHz C4FM

RATS RF System Status

This information does not update in real-time, but any known system issues will be posted here when practical.  For fastest updates, sign up for e-mail notifications.  Scroll down for more information.

To report a technical issue with a RATS system please contact the Technical Committee.

Updated 2024-12-11 8:23a by Steve Crow KG4PEQ

System/Component Status Detail
VHF FM+C4FM Repeater
146.880 MHz (-) PL 74.4 W4RAT/R

Operating Normally

UHF FM Repeater
442.550 MHz (+) PL 74.4 W4RAT/R

Operating Normally

UHF DMR C-Bridge Repeater
443.5875 MHz (+) CC1 W4RAT/R

Operating Normally

W4RAT-2 Coatesville APRS Digipeater
144.390 MHz WIDE1/2 · Sponsor: Peter K2VIZ

Operating Normally

W4RAT-4 West End APRS Digipeater
144.390 MHz WIDE1/2 · Sponsor: Peter K2VIZ
Operating Normally

W4RAT-5 Prince George APRS Digipeater
144.390 MHz WIDE1/2 · Sponsor: Jay KD4BPZ
Operating Normally

Midlothian AREDN - 3-Sector Node
W4RAT-MIDL-W 5.8 GHz 120°
W4RAT-MIDL-NE 5.8 GHz 120°
W4RAT-MIDL-SE 5.8 GHz 120°
View connected nodes and services

Operating Normally
AREDN Experimental Winlink RMS Relay
W4RAT-VPM-GW.local.mesh port 8772
Operating Normally

Currently handling local traffic only;  not connected to the Winlink network.

AREDN Tunnel Services (inbound)
Operating Normally

Standard Maintenance Windows

Outages associated with the following recurring maintenance activities will not be specifically mentioned in front page bulletins or in the system status table below.

  • Routine updates to the RATS IT network will be applied between 12 AM and 2 AM Saturday mornings.  When updates are required, this will result in one or more (usually two) brief outages to network connectivity on the DMR, WIRES-X, and AREDN systems.

  • The WIRES-X PC at the repeater site reboots every Saturday evening at 6 PM.  This will result in a brief (less than five minutes) outage to WIRES-X and AREDN Winlink RMS-Relay services.

System Announcement E-mail Lists

We have established announcement-only e-mail lists for notifications of system outages, special events, configuration updates, and other news regarding the RATS repeater and digital data systems.  These lists are open to the public.

  1. Send a blank e-mail to:
  2. You'll receive an automated message asking you to reply or click a link to join the group.
  3. Reply to that e-mail -- don't click the link, it doesn't seem to work reliably at the moment.

Major announcements will still be posted to the front page of our web site.  These e-mail lists are updated frequently while outages are in progress and will likely contain more up-to-date and detailed information than you'll find on this web site.

No subscription is required to view the message history:  rats-repeater-announce, rats-digital-data-announce

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Inc. (RATS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  PO Box 70613, Henrico VA, 23255

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