Club logo.  A red circle containing a green map of the state of Virginia, the ARRL logo, and the text "Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Richmond, Virginia U.S.A."

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society
W4RAT · Richmond, Virginia

An ARRL Affiliated Club Serving Central Virginia Since 1972
442.550 MHz FM  ·  443.5875 MHz DMR  ·  146.880 MHz C4FM

Board meeting this Wednesday 1/3 at 6:30 PM

1 Jan 2024 9:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

The RATS Board will hold its monthly meeting this Wednesday night, January 3 at 6:30 PM via Zoom.  Club members are encouraged to attend and provide input on the club's upcoming Winter Field Day activity at Pocahontas State Park.  Volunteers are still needed to assist with the setup, operation, and tear-down of this event.

Your active participation in the planning and execution is critical to keep these occasional club activities going.  The Board is here to run the club, not orchestrate and run every club activity.  If you want to see RATS continue to offer in-person ham radio activities beyond just our usual summer Field Day, please get in contact with the Board to offer your assistance.  And if you've got ideas for fun things we can do in future months, let us know.  Thank you.

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Inc. (RATS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  PO Box 70613, Henrico VA, 23255

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