Club logo.  A red circle containing a green map of the state of Virginia, the ARRL logo, and the text "Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Richmond, Virginia U.S.A."

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society
W4RAT ยท Richmond, Virginia

An ARRL Affiliated Club Serving Central Virginia Since 1972

Help Wanted:  Volunteer with RATS

Our club depends on the support of our members.  Your membership dues and other donations help a lot, but ultimately it takes people doing things to keep RATS running.  Here are a few things we need help with.  If you are interested in taking the lead on any of these projects, or if you have some spare time to help, please reach out to the point of contact for each project.  This page will be updated periodically as new needs are identified.

  • 20 Apr 2024 8:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    We are looking for additional Net Controls to help with the weekly RATS net, Wednesday nights at 8 PM on the 146.88 repeater.  If you're able to serve once or twice a month, or if you'd just like to try it out once and see how it goes, send a note to Robert Czyzewski KB2OYI via  We'll provide a script.

  • 9 Apr 2024 8:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    First proposed by Steve Crow KG4PEQ in July 2023, the club's Field Day Committee would take on the planning and execution of the two annual Field Day events (summer and winter).  Traditionally the Board has been responsible for Field Day.  This new committee would have full responsibility for planning, setup, execution, tear-down, and after-event activities like log compilation and submission, operating within a budget established by the Board of Directors.  There are two main objectives:  relieve the Board of this responsibility so they can focus on other club needs, and take the RATS Field Day to the "next level" with better promotional efforts, more activities to draw visitors, and enhanced offerings for new and unlicensed operators.

    What we need:  Chairperson, up to four additional members.  Any RATS member in good standing qualifies (Individual, Family, Life, or Associate).

    How you can help:  Contact the Board of Directors via email if you are interested in kick-starting this program.

    Additional information:  See this presentation for more details.

  • 9 Apr 2024 8:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    RATS is always looking for presenters who can speak on nearly anything that's even tangentially related to ham radio.  We love hearing from subject matter experts, but some of our best presentations have come from ordinary club members talking about the stuff that interests them.  We realize that presentations can be a little more challenging in the era of Zoom meetings, and our Program Committee has people who can help.  If there's a topic you're passionate about, we'd like to hear about it.

    What we need:  Presentations (15-45 minutes of content) for monthly RATS Membership meetings.  Presenters do not need to be RATS members.  Guests welcome.

    How you can help:  Contact our Program Committee to get on the calendar or for assistance building your club presentation.
  • 9 Apr 2024 8:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    Currently the club's Secretary does the job of disseminating club news to members via the web site and email distribution lists.  While the club does have a presence on Facebook, Twitter/X, and the RVAHams Slack service, publication of club news through these channels is spotty since nobody "owns" that responsibility.  The club's Social Media Manager would become responsible for sharing club news (primarily supplied by the Secretary) and interacting with visitors on the club's social media channels.  Secondarily, the Social Media Manager would monitor the social media platforms for news and information that may be of interest to the membership, and then pass that information to the Secretary for distribution via the newsletter, web site, and other conventional means.

    What we need:  One to two people who enjoy hanging out on social media.  Any RATS member in good standing qualifies (Individual, Family, Life, or Associate).

    How you can help:  Contact the RATS Secretary if you are interested in volunteeing.

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Inc. (RATS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PO Box 70613, Henrico VA, 23255
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