Club logo.  A red circle containing a green map of the state of Virginia, the ARRL logo, and the text "Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Richmond, Virginia U.S.A."

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society
W4RAT ยท Richmond, Virginia

An ARRL Affiliated Club Serving Central Virginia Since 1972

  • 8 Dec 2023 8:48 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    Update:  This issue was resolved at 3:02 PM.

    Another Comcast Internet outage is impacting the RATS repeater site, taking down network connectivity for the DMR, Fusion, and AREDN tunnels.  Click here for more information and updates.

  • 30 Nov 2023 2:15 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    Update:  This issue resolved itself without Tech Committee intervention at around 12:30 PM 11/30/2023.  Total downtime was approximately 17.5 hours.

    An Internet service outage has taken down network connectivity for systems at the RATS repeater site.  This is preventing network access from the DMR and Fusion repeaters.  The RATS 146.88, 442.55, and 443.5875 repeaters continue to handle local traffic as usual.  Inbound and outbound AREDN tunnels are offline, though our site is still on the air and over-the-air access to services has not been impacted.   For additional information, see our RF Systems Status page.  We hope to have this resolved later today (11/30).

  • 14 Nov 2023 11:45 PM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    The monthly RATS Membership Meeting will be held this Friday night at 7:30 PM via Zoom.  All are welcome to attend.  Rob Marshall KI4MCW will be giving a presentation on HOA-friendly HF antennas.

    As discussed at last month's meeting, we will be reviewing and approving the membership meeting minutes from September and October 2022 which haven't yet made it into the club records.  Those draft minutes and the corresponding Zoom videos were posted around a month ago for member review.

    Last month's draft minutes are also now available for download.  Sorry about the delay.

  • 5 Nov 2023 10:35 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    Update:  This event has concluded and the RATS repeaters have been returned to normal operation.

    Please be aware of the following upcoming activities:

    • Wednesday, November 8 (7p) - The weekly RATS net will QSY to our 442.55 repeater for a one-week performance test.  WIRES-X network services will be disabled on the repeater from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM Wednesday.

    • Thursday, November 9 (4p-7p) and Friday, November 10 (4p-8p) - Communications volunteers for the Richmond Marathon will be picking up their supplies in advance of Saturday's event.  There will be occasional talk-in traffic on the 146.88 and 145.43 repeaters.  These repeaters should remain available for regular use, but please keep transmissions short and leave some extra space to allow talk-in traffic to reach Net Control.
    Several local repeaters will be carrying moderate to heavy traffic supporting the Sports Backers Richmond Marathon on Saturday, November 11.  Repeater users not participating in this event should take note of the following information and plan to use other local systems during this event.
    • The RATS 442.55 repeater is a primary channel for the marathon.  This repeater is closed to non-event traffic on Saturday.  The WIRES-X system will be disabled to prevent conflicting digital traffic, and all C4FM input will come out as analog FM (like the 146.88 repeater).

    • The DMR "Richmond Metro" talkgroup (27500) is a primary channel for the marathon.  Users of the RATS DMR repeater and the directly-linked Petersburg DMR repeater are asked to limit use of timeslot 1 talkgroups to ensure the timeslot remains available for marathon traffic.  Virginia Statewide (3151 on timeslot 2) is a recommended alternative for short QSO's.  Richmond Metro traffic is carried on the Richmond, Beaverdam, Petersburg, Powhatan, and New Kent DMR repeaters.  Users of all five repeaters will notice increased activity on timeslot 1 due to traffic on Richmond Metro.
    • The MRA 145.43 repeater is also a primary channel for the marathon.  Stations not involved in the event should plan to keep clear of this repeater.

    • The RATS 146.88 repeater is a backup repeater.  It may handle occasional overflow traffic if the other three systems are too busy, and it would serve as a backup if one of the primary repeaters were to go off the air.  The 146.88 repeater will remain open for regular traffic unless needed for backup service.  All users are asked to keep transmissions short, leave extended pauses (5 seconds) between transmissions, and immediately yield to marathon radio traffic.
  • 4 Nov 2023 1:10 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    The next monthly RATS Membership meeting is Friday, November 17 at 7:30 PM via Zoom.  Rob Marshall KI4MCW will be giving a presentation on HOA-friendly HF antennas.  Please join us.

    The RATS Board traditionally skips its December meeting, but not this year.  There's enough going on to necessitate a December Board meeting, so that'll happen on the first Wednesday (Dec. 6) at 6:30 PM, as usual, via Zoom.  Club members are invited to join.

  • 4 Nov 2023 1:09 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    The RATS Technical Committee performs periodic inventories of the club's tangible assets at intervals established in agreement with the club's Board of Directors:  a full inventory of all items every five years, and an annual review of selected item categories all other years.  Inventories are timed to immediately follow the transition to a new Board in October of each year, and are intended to provide improved accountability for the whereabouts, condition, and proper disposal of the club's property.

    This year's inventory verification was submitted into the club records on November 1.  All expected assets were present and updated photos were captured, except for tower-mounted equipment.  Members may view current and historical inventory documentation here.

    The last full inventory was started October 2022.  The next inventory verification will take place in October 2024, with the next full inventory in October 2027.

  • 30 Oct 2023 8:15 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    The RATS Board of Directors will hold its monthly meeting this Wednesday evening, November 1, at 6:30 PM via Zoom.  All RATS members are welcome to join and provide their feedback to the Board.  You can find a link to the meeting here, and last month's meeting video and minutes pending approval here.

  • 29 Oct 2023 11:30 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    Update:  Testing concluded around 3:45 PM and the repeaters are back to normal operation.  Expect moderate to heavy traffic on these repeaters Saturday, November 11.  If you are available to volunteer at this event contact Jim Rubin W4PKR.

    The communications team for the upcoming Richmond Marathon (November 11) will be testing their access to the RATS 146.88 and 442.55 MHz repeaters, the DMRVA Richmond Metro talkgroup, and the KG4MRA 145.43 MHz repeater along the event route on Sunday, October 29 beginning at 12:00 noon.  The WIRES-X system on the 442.55 repeater will be disabled during this time.  All repeater users are asked to keep transmissions short, leave extended pauses between transmissions to allow event traffic to pass quickly, and consider the use of an alternate repeater.

    The KA4CBB 147.36 repeater in Chesterfield, the W4TTL 146.715 repeater in Walkerton, and the WA4FC 147.39 (PL 74.4) repeater in Petersburg are good alternatives for longer QSOs while this testing is taking place.

  • 22 Oct 2023 9:30 PM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    As discussed at the October Board and Membership meetings, the Membership meeting minutes from September and October 2022 still require the review and approval of the membership.  Draft minutes and links to download the corresponding meeting videos have been posted for member access here.

    Given the amount of time that has elapsed since these meetings, members are encouraged to review the video and minutes for accuracy.  The membership will be asked to approve these two sets of minutes at the November 17, 2023 meeting.  If you have edits or other concerns please contact

  • 20 Oct 2023 5:00 AM | Steven Crow (Administrator)

    The monthly RATS membership meeting is tonight (October 20) at 7:30 PM.  Please note that the Zoom meeting links and dial-in information recently changed.  See for the updated information.

    This month's presentation will be by Ria Jairam N2RJ of "Ria's Hamshack" (YouTube)Ria is a former Director of the Hudson Division of ARRL, and is currently a Director of ARDC (Amateur Radio Digital Communications).  She will be giving a presentation on solar power and charging, as applies to ham radio.  Don't miss this special guest!

    Video and a draft of minutes for last month's Membership Meeting can be downloaded from

Richmond Amateur Telecommunications Society, Inc. (RATS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PO Box 70613, Henrico VA, 23255
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